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The Weight (by The Band)

Music to set the mood... This particular adventure was kind of spooky. Throughout the journey, I felt an odd weight looming over us, possibly with bad intentions! But who really knows? July 3rd, 2019 4:30am...the sky was still dark and a fog of dreams remained swirling around my mind as I forced myself out of bed. Waking up this early has always been a favorite of mine, the days seem endless. On this particular day, we planned a long, and distant journey. Four hours in the car would later turn into one of the best road trips we'd ever been on. I dressed quickly, woke Evan up, and waited for my friend Brianna to arrive. As I mentioned, our destination was a total of four hours south of us. This place happened to be an abandoned town that we'd been researching for a while leading up to this. Actually, let me rephrase, its population in 2010 was a mere 16!!!! So, I guess technically, the whole town isn't abandoned, just very, very large portions of it. This town, formall

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